Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Finally blogging and Maddie's New Boots

I follow my friend's Blair blog with fascination and admiration. She has made me laugh and cry and I am always so grateful when she includes Maddie in her posts and pictures. With her encouragement, I started this blog - and posted once. I vowed to start on Maddie's birthday and post once a day, with at least one picture. With two parties (both for Maddie), two birthday dinners (one for Maddie and one for me), a fabulous trip to Disneyworld and the Christmas / New Year holidays, blogging fell well down on the priority list.

At Charlotte's third birthday party (thanks for including us!), I decided to honor our friendship and really start blogging. Well, I planned to, anyway.

Maddie had other plans for my evening. With Kevin & Nick in Houma for the day and evening, I thought I would finish the thank you notes from Maddie's birthday (yes, still working on them!), clean up a bit and have some quiet time. Maddie seemed especially cranky and tired so I thought I would put her to bed early and have an evening alone. Right at 7 pm, I fixed her bottle, then heard a bad noise - Maddie getting sick. She opened her mouth and it just poured out, right onto the sofa arm, then on me, then the floor, then everywhere. She was sick over and over until 1 am, poor baby.

Fortunately, she bounced right back and has been fine all day. Her mommy is worn out and the house is still a mess - and smells a bit - steam cleaner needed!, but Maddie is happy baby again.

Yesterday's picture was going to be this photo of Maddie wearing her boots from Mr. Wayne. We finally took him to dinner - a month and a day late - for his birthday on Friday. He gave Maddie a great present - rain boots, and she loves them. She wanted to wear them to Charlotte's party, but compromised on the lavendar loafers on loan from Blair. (Neither were the pink ballet shoes I had planned, but I think it is my fault for creating a shoe princess.) Maddie had a great time pushing her blue dog around in her favorite toy (a $4 stroller from KB toys - not any of the presents I picked out for Christmas or her birthday, of course!), wearing her new boots.

Today I followed Maddie's lead on food and drinks. After strongly encouraging her to eat dinner - and then having to watch it it all come back up, I realized she really did know if she wanted to eat or not. Tonight, I let her feed herself - bananas, rice, rice noodles, and then the fun stuff - yogurt and pear sauce. I found out that she's not bad with a spoon. The tray and Maddie look a bit messy, but a surprisely small amount hit the floor. My baby is growing so fast and is able to do so many things herself now. It is so much fun and so exciting, but I wish it were just a little slower!


Anonymous said...

When taking ballet classes the teacher or instructor might have color, type and brand requirements, so check before purchasing. When just starting out and learning ballet it is not important to purchase the most expensive shoes, purchase your Ballet shoes at a discount store, if you like it you can always purchase more expensive shoes.

Anonymous said...

I love it! Can't wait to follow along!