We have been working with Nick on his Louisiana State Parks project since Christmas.
Today was the school competition and show.
What you can't see - the parks light up when you push the location button.
The judges loved it, too - Nick got first in his category, and -drumroll - Grand Prize overall!!
Check out the plaque and ribbons.
That is awesome! Way to go Nick.
And ugh...that damn cafeteria. *shudder* Brings back memories. Did I mention I hated that place?
Glad to see they are finally rewarding hard work over there.
God, school projects brings back so many memories. I hated having to do them and to think that this will come again when Peyton goes to school!
Whoo hoo! He did a fantastic job, I'm sure he's going to state with that.
I loved school projects! I have fond memories of creating the Moon out of styrafoam and modeling clay with a little lego moonman Neil Armstrong.
That's awesome Nick, it looks great!!! Congrats :)
Cool project!
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