Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Special mass and Superbowl Sunday

Hooray for today. My mom took Maddie to a mass for special children at St. Francis this afternoon. I hear it was great and I hope to go with them next month. It was fun to watch Maddie drive away, waving at me.

The highlight however - this is the first time Kevin & I have been alone in our house since Maddie was born! Wow!

Tonight was Superbowl Sunday and we spent the evening at the Ritz Carlton - pretty fancy digs for a football party. Aunt Ces and Uncle Joey won a night at an auction. They got the really fancy Ritz Carlton penthouse suite and invited all their friends over (and everyone brought tons of food!). The suite was great - lots of open space and thankfully, no small knickknacks. A surprisingly, easy, wonderfully kid friendly place to watch the game. My social butterfly had a great time pushing her doll stroller all over and hanging out with everyone. She has no doubt that every person she sees will love her shoes, want to hold her, give her grapes (or king cake or junk food), or hold (and save) her half eaten pickle until she reclaims it. Kevin remembered the little camera but the pictures aren't so great. He did, however, get some great video of Maddie pushing her stroller down the hall of the Ritz and dancing to the Boss Bruce at half time. She shaked, bounced and head bopped as the mood and music struck. Her favorite part, however, was under the table peek-a-boo with Daddy. He would squat and then she would squat and see him under the dining room table. It never stopped being funny or surprising to her. Daddy's legs, however, weren't quite so thrilled with the endless game.

Headed home after another late night.

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